JPU Graduation Merit List 2021, Check JPU UG 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Merit List

JPU Graduation UG PG 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Merit List 2021 released. Check Jai Prakash University JPV UG PG Merit List, Cut Off admission Date 2021. Jai Prakash University JPU Graduation Merit List 2021 and Cut Off has been released by the University. All the Candidates who have applied for the admission in the JP university must check their name in JPU Graduation Merit List 2021 in the JPU Official Link Below…👇👇

Post Updated: 13 April 2021 | 09 : 30 AM

JPU Graduation 4th Merit List 2021: Jai Prakash University (JPU) has released the 1st UG Admission Merit List Date & Time on 07 December 2020. Students can get admission in Arts, Science, BA, BSc, B Com, BBA, BCA UG Courses through this merit list. They can check their name from the merit list through the official website at Students can also download the JP University Graduation first Cut Off Marks and merit list 2020 using the below links. Candidates who applied for admission can check the admission JP University Merit List 2020 on the official website.

JPU Graduation Merit List 2021

We all know that the admission in JPU is held every year on the basis of performance of students in class 12th examination. So, After applying for admission, students want to know their cut off marks. The cut off marks are the minimum marks that students scored to gain admission. JPU university will publish the JPU UG first merit list 2020 and the cut off marks. The cut off marks will vary by category. Candidates will be attached to our page, here we will inform you when the cut off marks will be released.

JPU TDC-I Admission Form 2021

JPU has started the admission process for various UG courses 2020-23. This year also millions of students applied for admission in JPU and are now looking for the selection list. Jaypee University Merit List 2020 is the name of the students who enrolled in the university.

Amid this, JPU has released the JPU Graduation TDC I Admission Form 2021 for session 2019-22. So, Interested candidates fill their admission form from the official link.

How to Check JP University UG PG Merit List 2021 Online

1: Candidates have to visit the official website of JPU/JPV 👉👉

2: Scroll Down and click on the link for JPU UG PG Merit List 2021.

3: Then the Merit List Pdf will appear on the screen of various colleges.

4: Check your name in the JPU BA, BSc, B Com 1st merit list 2020.

5: If your name is on the list then follow the further procedure and take admission.

JPU Graduation Merit List 2021 Official Link

Events Dates
Online Application Form Start Date07 September 2020
Online Application Form Submission Last Date14 September 2020
First Merit List Release DateJanuary 2021
Official Website to check Merit

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